Monday, January 28, 2008

Rob stations are psychics

"Obama wins South Carolina!"

These were the words that were all over every news station and affiliate at 7:10pm Saturday January 26th 2008. What's wrong with this scenario? Perhaps because at 7:10pm less than a 10th of 1 percent had reported their tallies. At 7:10pm, Obama had an impressive hold on SC with 72% of the votes while Clinton only had 15%. At 7:10pm, only a few hundred votes had been counted, but apparently that's enough for the national media to declare a winner. Granted, he did end up winning, but by 7:35pm, he was down from 72% to 51%. That's a big drop. In the "good old days" the media would have said "We project Obama will win South Carolina." Now they're just getting bold and straight up declaring a winner. I can remember, not so long ago, they did the same thing with a presidential race and ended up getting it wrong! They solidly declared a winner and ended up being WRONG.

Obama didn't help the situation by having his victory speech publicly announced at 7:15pm. Kind of egotistical huh? But, I do concede that he did win, and by a good margin. I guess exit polls are good enough to make all final decisions on. Oh wait, that failed miserably before right?

While on the topic of primaries, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, John Edwards: Please just drop out, there really is no chance of you getting any further and all you're doing is taking away votes from other candidates. Your brothers in politics knew when to give up, (Biden, Thompson, Richardson, Kucinich, etc.), you should too.


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