Saturday, January 26, 2008

Rob presents...getting screwed nicely by AT&T

Recently I've been having problems with my phone service provider, AT&T/BellSouth. We get calls soliciting new services that I neither want nor need. I've asked them a few times to stop calling and have even been hung up on by a supervisor. So I sent an email to their complaint department. (Apparently you can only complain via email now. They claim there is no way to file a complaint over the phone.) I received an email back stating that they were sorry for the inconvenience and that they would be better blah blah blah. They did credit me for 1 free month of service. A whopping $24.91, but hey, it at least shows they care! Or do they? Turns out they credited my account $1.21 short of the monthly payment. Guess what? You can't make payments less than $10 online. Also turns out they don't accept any payments of less than $2.50. So I'm stuck with a $1.21 amount overdue on my last bill. I can just see how it went down:

"This guy complains too much. Here's an awesome way to screw up his day. Let's credit him just short of his full bill and watch him squirm to figure out how to pay the rest. Brilliant!" (Yes, AT&T is run by the paper cut-out guys on the Guinness commercials.)

Lesson learned.


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